In 2007, Fay attended her first burlesque show at the young age of 16. The show, hosted in Amsterdam, showed her a world of gorgeous women of different ages and sizes performing a variety of burlesque acts. The acts weren’t just about glamour; they were performances based on the power of these women and empowering others. It was love at first sight, and from that moment Fay knew she wanted to be a professional burlesque dancer.
Fay began producing her own shows and acts, each with a special focus on elegance and style. She started performing around the world and quickly gained international acclaim. Her shows center around a singular goal: bring burlesque to a professional level and inspire other women along the way.
Everything I love comes together in burlesque: dancing, singing, and the possibility to create and perform your own shows. It’s the most amazing feeling to perform an act you’ve made for an audience! Respect for other performers and people is the most important value in our community. You can create whatever you love — there are no limits. That’s why I’m a burlesque artist!